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Camp SHiEld has spent over five years listening to Women Veterans, male Veterans, Veteran supporters, partner organizations, and donors. These conversations revealed a significant lack of resources specifically created by Women Veterans for Women Veterans, addressing the emotional, social, and physical challenges they face. These challenges have contributed to a lower quality of life, emotional distress, and decreased social engagement as seen in communities across the nation. Camp SHiEld is committed to addressing these issues and improving the lives of Women Veterans.

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Camp SHiEld has listened to the heart of Women Veterans, the concerns of men Veterans as it relates to their women counterparts, Veteran supporters, partner organizations, and donors for over 5 years. These conversations revealed a lack of resources created BY Women Veterans, FOR Women Veterans that address emotional, social, and physical wounds. These unseen wounds have contributed to a lower quality of life, emotional instability, and a lack of social engagement as seen in communities across the nation. Camp SHiEld is working to address these wounds and improve the lives of Women Veterans.

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